Lima, June 13, 2024 2024.- The Private Investment Promotion Agency – PROINVERSIÓN initiated the structuring of the projects "3.5 GHz Frequency Band (3,300 – 3,400 MHz and 3600 – 3,800 MHz)" and "26 GHz Frequency Band (25.9 – 26.7 GHz)" that will allow to provide 5G mobile telephony and internet services nationwide.
In the structuring phase, the agency will define the conditions, characteristics and modality to promote both projects that will benefit the country's telecommunications.
It will also establish the design of the auction, conditions of participation of the companies, competition factors for the award of projects and design of contracts, etc.
To this end, the agency has begun the process of hiring a specialized consultancy that will help establish the conditions of the auction process and enhance the bands and mandatory investment commitments, among others. Likewise, the consultant will provide support in the Transaction phase through promotion and advice in the selection of the successful bidders of the projects.
Meanwhile, in the promotion plan, it is specified that both projects will be promoted through a special public tender through Projects in Assets (PA) under the single concession contract scheme. In this case, each project may be awarded to several bidders.
The term of exploitation of the radio spectrum bands will be 20 years from the date of the subscription of the concession contracts and the reference investment amount is US$ 845 million (excluding VAT), according to the preliminary valuation of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), but may be modified, as the process progresses.
In Peru and the world, there is a growth in the consumption of mobile data traffic, and the number of phones with mobile internet access exceeds 30 million units, according to figures as of September 2023, evidencing the need for the use of fifth-generation (5G) networks.
5G technology will consolidate a new digital ecosystem, in which it will improve mobile services and boost communications in different productive sectors through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) that will allow industries to manage the status of their equipment in real-time, measure productivity remotely and manage the maintenance of the elements of an industrial plant.
Likewise, in the field of health, remote diagnostics and operations can be carried out and, in commerce, marketing departments will be able to use virtual reality in real-time to showcase their products.
Due to the importance identified by the Ministry of Transport and Communications for the attention of priority areas at the national level, it has been established that the successful bidders of the Projects implement, as an offer, mandatory investment commitments to be developed in specific areas of the national territory.
Source: Press Release – PROINVERSIÓN