Lima, March 11, 2024.- The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) announces that eight (8) bidders, including national and international companies and consortiums, have submitted their documents (Envelope No. 1) to be declared as “pre-qualified bidders” in the tender for the comprehensive project under the Longitudinal de la Sierra Highway Section 4 concession.
The credentials correspond to companies and consortiums of Peruvian, Latin American, European and Asian origin with worldwide experience in the construction and operation of road projects
The final list of pre-qualified candidates will be announced, according to the process schedule, after evaluating compliance with the technical, financial and legal requirements required by the rules of the public tender.
To date, of the eight (8) companies and consortiums that submitted their credentials, six (6) have already prequalified, and the other two (2) are in the process of being evaluated. Pre-qualified bidders will be able to submit their technical (Envelope No. 2) and economic (Envelope No. 3) proposal for the Longitudinal de la Sierra Section 4 project.
The Longitudinal de la Sierra Highway Section 4 project requires an estimated investment of US$ 934 million (excluding VAT) and will be awarded in the second quarter of 2024.
The concession term will be 25 years, under the modality of a co-financed Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and more than 900 kilometers connecting the regions of Junín, Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Apurímac and Ica, of which 727 kilometers correspond to initial periodic maintenance, 180 kilometers to rehabilitation and improvement, five (5) kilometers of construction of the San Clemente road in Ica and the remaining kilometers will be delivered by the sector to be operated and maintained from the beginning of the concession, seeking to achieve the levels of trafficability, comfort and safety for users.
The rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of this large road network will allow an efficient connection between the beneficiary cities and localities, facilitating the transfer of goods and services, which will boost commerce, productive and industrial activity and tourism in each of them.
In addition, the execution of the project will reduce logistics and transaction costs derived from the mobilization of goods and people, and improves the quality of life of more than 1.6 million people in the five (5) regions, facilitating access to public services and providing economic opportunities.
Source: Press Release – PROINVERSIÓN