Lima, June 19, 2024.- The Private Investment Promotion Agency – PROINVERSIÓN has in its portfolio six (6) projects in the Health Sector, in Lima and Cajamarca, through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality for an investment amount and expenditure commitments in excess of US$ 860 million.
The objective of the process is to guarantee the sustainability of health infrastructure, equipment and public services with high-quality standards through a Public-Private Partnership contract where indicators to be monitored and supervised are established.
For this year, PROINVERSIÓN is scheduled to award the Operation and Maintenance project of the New Villa El Salvador Emergency Hospital (HEVES) that will allow users to receive timely and quality care, with first-class hospital infrastructure and permanently operational, safe and reliable biomedical equipment.
The award of HEVES, commissioned by the Ministry of Health (MINSA), is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024 and the concession period will be 15 years.
Likewise, the agency has been structuring the new management contract for Operation and Maintenance of the National Institute of Child Health of San Borja (INSNSB) for a period of 15 years.
The contract will include the services of “Green Coat” (sterilization and clinical pathology service) and “Gray Coat” (maintenance of the building, facilities and electromechanical equipment associated with the infrastructure; maintenance of clinical and non-clinical equipment and operation and maintenance of general services). In addition, the replacement of the comprehensive equipment of the hospital will be incorporated. The award - on behalf of MINSA - is scheduled for 2025.
Likewise, PROINVERSIÓN has structured the unsolicited proposal to build the New Central Military Hospital that will benefit about 300,000 military personnel and family members (beneficiaries). The declaration of interest and award will be developed on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MIINDEF) and is scheduled for 2025.
The successful bidder will be responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a state-of-the-art hospital and the concession of the services of “Green Coat” and “Gray Coat”.
Another project in the portfolio is the Modernization of the Hipólito Unanue Hospital (MINSA), known as “Bravo Chico”, through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to design, build, finance and manage the maintenance and operation of the hospital's general services.
The other two projects are the Operation and Maintenance of the Specialized Hospital of Cajamarca, commissioned by ESSALUD, and the Integral Management of Solid Waste in Health Facilities of the Ministry of Health in Metropolitan Lima.
To date, there are five projects developed in the Health Sector through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) that were commissioned by ESSALUD (4) and MINSA (1), which have contributed to improving access to services, with efficiency and quality in patient care. The Alberto Barton Hospital (Callao) and Guillermo Kaelin Hospital (Villa María del Triunfo - Lima) and the management of the National Institute of Child Health of San Borja stand out.
In addition, in the coming days, the concession contracts for the Specialized Hospitals of ESSalud de Piura and Chimbote projects will be signed, which will benefit more than 1.6 million policyholders in these areas of the country.
On the other hand, the agency awarded yesterday to the consortium formed by WIN Empresas S.A.C. and Soluciones Alimenticias S.A.C. the project for the improvement and expansion of the Víctor Ramos Guardia Hospital – Huaraz, which will require an investment of S/ 1 099 billion, that is, the highest amount prioritized through the mechanism of Works for Taxes (OxI) in the history of the country.
In this regard, the executive director of PROINVERSIÓN, José Salardi, highlighted the award because it will allow to accumulate, so far in 2024, more than S/ 1.6 billion in Works for Taxes projects, which means a record in amounts generated through this mechanism for the country.
Source: Press Release – PROINVERSIÓN