Lima, December 19, 2024.- Only two weeks before the submission of the expression of interested third parties corresponding to the Chincha Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), a technical team of The Private Investment Promotion Agency – PROINVERSIÓN held briefings with the Board of Users of the Minor Hydraulic Sector of Chincha Type A, Main Channel Commission and Low Chincha Commission, who are potential beneficiaries of the project.
The talks explained the benefits of the Chincha WWTP, the status and characteristics of the project, as well as the possibility of using treated water in agricultural production, to promote the circular economy with complementary projects.
The concession of the project will benefit 345 thousand inhabitants of seven districts such as Chincha Alta, Chincha Baja, Grocio Prado, Pueblo Nuevo, Alto Larán, Sunampe and Tambo de Mora, improving their quality of life with the reduction of diseases related to the misuse of wastewater without adequate treatment.
In this regard, the deputy director of Social and Environmental Affairs of PROINVERSIÓN, Vlademir Lozano, said that the expectation and interest of the inhabitants to know more about the use of treated water has increased, as the date to present an expression of interest (January 2) in the WWTP approaches.
The Chincha WWTP is a private initiative project co-financed by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, requires an investment of US$96.5 million (without VAT) and will be developed over a period of 24 years (four: design, financing and construction, and twenty: operation and maintenance).
The concessionaire will be responsible for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of approximately 21 kilometers of main collection networks and propulsion lines, a pumping station, two new wastewater treatment plants of 600 liters per second, and 7.7 kilometers of lines for the final disposal of treated wastewater.
The Chincha Wastewater Treatment (WWTP) project was declared of interest at the beginning of October, and in accordance with the regulations, a 90-day window was opened for any interested company to submit their Expression of Interest. If no one does, the project will be awarded directly to the bidder (FCC Aqualia S.A.).
PROINVERSIÓN continues in its policy of contributing to the closing of gaps, providing an efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment service, whose impact contributes to improving the health and quality of life of families.
Source: Press Release – PROINVERSIÓN