Migratory Regime
The processes related to migrations to be followed by a foreigner interested in staying in the country to carry out activities other than tourism, have to be done in the National Superintendence of Migrations - MIGRATIONS. The most requested types of visas and migratory quality for the establishment effects of investments in Peru are described as follows:
Enter Peru with no intention of reside in order to do business, legal or similar activities (e.g. Incorporation of a company). | TEMPORARY* |
Business visa application, which shall be obtained in the consulate of Peru in the city where the foreigner is located. |
Enter Peru with no intention of reside and sent by his employer for a limited period and defined to carry out labor activities. | TEMPORARY* |
Visa application as a Designated Worker: http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_temporales.html. A person in Peru is required to begin the process. |
Enter the country with the purpose of carrying out work activities in virtue of a contract previously approved by the Ministry of Work | TEMPORARY* OR RESIDENT** | Visa application as a Worker: http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_temporales.htmland http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_residentes.html. A person in Peru is required to begin the process. |
Change of migratory quality in order to carry out any of the activities described above | Change of migratory quality to Designated Worker, Resident Worker or Independent Investor, as applicable: http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_cambio_calidad_migratoria.html | |
Subscribe contracts or similar documents (e.g. Work contracts or documents for the establishment of a company) | Special Permit Application to sign Contracts: http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_permiso_firmar_contratos.html | |
Extend the migratory quality of the foreigner to his relatives (children, partner, parents, and dependent people). | Visa application or Change of Migratory Quality, depending on if they are abroad or in Peru. http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_cambio_calidad_migratoria.htmlhttp://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_residentes.html |
*The temporary visa authorizes the admission and permanence of a foreigner in the territory of the country for up to one hundred and eighty-three (183) cumulative days during a period of three hundred and sixty-five (365) days, extendable for the same term.
** The resident visa authorizes the admission and residence of a foreigner in the territory of the country for a period of three hundred and sixty five (365) days, extendable for the same period.