Lima, September 12, 2024.- In the 2025 - 2026 period, the Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN plans to promote and award 65 projects in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Projects in Assets (PA) for an amount of US$ 15,811 million, aimed at improving infrastructure in 13 economic sectors.
The executive director of PROINVERSIÓN, José Salardi, explained that the updated award target includes 27 projects for 2025 (US$ 6543 million) and 38 in 2026 (US$ 9268 million), focused on works with social impact to be developed, mainly, in a decentralized manner.
In this case, Salardi highlighted the momentum that Peru has experienced in award processes through Public-Private Partnerships, because it has aroused the interest of investors in the region, as well as in Europe and Asia.
This boom, he added, made it possible to update the portfolio for the 2025 -2026 period, which leads road projects with US$ 4704 million, followed by sanitation (US$ 2451 million), irrigation (US$ 2050 million), mining (US$ 2 billion), health (US$ 968 million), telecommunications (US$ 860 million), education (615 million), urban land generation (US$ 767 million), airports (US$ 550 million), tourism (US$ 220 million), ports (US$ 372 million), real estate (US$ 194 million) and hydropower (US$ 194 million) carbons (US$60 million).
In a meeting with investors, within the framework of the PPP Talk, held in Lima, the director of PROINVERSIÓN highlighted that, between January 2023 and August 2024, the agency awarded 26 projects for US$ 8.4 billion in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Projects in Assets (PA).
In addition, between January and August 2024, the agency awarded 12 projects worth US$ 6076 million, including railways, ports, road infrastructure, electrical energy and phosphates (Bayovar fertilizers).
Salardi estimated that between August and December 2024, 11 public-private projects worth US$ 2.9 billion will be awarded.
Source: Press Release – PROINVERSIÓN