Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada
Technical Assistance - Specialized Advice - Transparent Processes

Portafolio de Proyectos en Asociaciones Público Privadas APP
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Projects in Assets (PA) Project Portfolio

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Portafolio de Proyectos en Obras por Impuestos
Investment Portfolio in Works for Taxes Promotion

Execute taxpayer-funded public investment projects quickly and efficiently.

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Facilitación de la Inversión Privada
Foreign Investment Registration

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ProInversión at day

In 2025, PROINVERSIÓN will promote another 10 projects for more than US$ 3 billion that will contribute to strengthening the country's connectivity and competitiveness.

In the last 24 months, The Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN awarded 21 electricity transmission and substation projects for an investment of US$2.266 million that will benefit 14 million inhabitants, signifying an important step towards sustainable development and improvement of the country's energy infrastructure.

As of December 20, the Works for Taxes (OxI) mechanism generated investments of S/ 4004 million through 124 awards that have reduced the gap in education, health, transport, sanitation and citizen security, reported The Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN.

Only two weeks before the submission of the expression of interested third parties corresponding to the Chincha Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), a technical team of the Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN held briefings with the Board of Users of the Board of Users of the Minor Hydraulic Sector of Chincha Type A, Main Channel Commission and Low Chincha Commission, who are potential beneficiaries of the project.

In a public act, the company Engie Energía Perú S.A. was awarded three electrical projects included in Group 4 of the 2023 -2032 Transmission Plan, for a total investment amount of US$127 million, which will benefit 700 thousand people in Áncash, Junín and Ucayali.

A private investment of US$60 billion in 265 projects facilitated the Early Recovery Regime of the General Sales Tax (RERAIGV) that The Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN has been promoting for 17 years (2007 - December 13, 2024).

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