
Geographic location

Peru,  megadiverse country

Peru is among the seven most diverse countries in the world due to its variety of ecosystems, species, and great cultural traditions.

Ubicación Geográfica del Perú - ProInversión

Official Name

Republic of Peru


It is located in the middle of South America, facing the Pacific Ocean, between parallels 0º.2' and 18º 21'34" south latitude and meridians 68º 39'7" and 81º 20'13" longitude.





Government Type

Democratic Government

Geographical Organization

24 Regions and 1 Constitutional Province (Callao)


1 285 216 km2


Total estimated (2023): 34 352 719 inhab.

39 unique ecosystems

Peru is made up of three natural regions and 39 unique ecosystems: 12 belong to the Amazon region, another 12 to the Andean region, 4 to the Yunga, 9 to the coastal zone and the remaining 2 to the marine life.

Organización Geográfica del Perú

High climate diversity

There are 32 climates in the world, and 28 can be found in different areas of Peru, creating natural habitats for thousands of species of flora and fauna.

Lima Peru