Lima, February 26, 2024.- The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) incorporated into the private investment promotion process, through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality, the Co-financed Unsolicited Proposal “Wastewater Treatment for final disposal or reuse, provinces of Trujillo and Chepén, La Libertad, Peru” (Trujillo and Chepén WWTP).
"The project Formulation phase has been completed with the declaration of viability of the pre-investment study, the approval of the PPP modality and the incorporation of the project into the promotion process. We have now formally started the Structuring phase and the design of the documents to declare the project of interest, that is to say, the evaluation report, the initial version of the contract and the Declaration of Interest", highlighted Jorge Sulem, PROINVERSIÓN's Project Director.
The publication of the Declaration of Interest for the project is scheduled for the Third Quarter of 2024 and the direct award -if no interested third parties come forward- for the Fourth Quarter of 2024.
The unsolicited proposal Trujillo and Chepén WWTP aims to efficiently and sustainably collect, treat, and dispose of wastewater from the cities of Trujillo and Chepén (La Libertad). The project will require an investment of approximately US$ 312 million (excluding VAT) which will be co-financed by the State through the MVCS.
The project includes the design and construction of sanitary collection and pumping infrastructure, as well as the operation and maintenance of two (2) modern wastewater treatment plants for the city of Trujillo, for a flow of approximately 2,600 liters/second, which will replace the eight (8) existing plants (which have already exceeded their maximum wastewater processing capacity); and the design and construction of sanitary infrastructure, operation and maintenance of a wastewater treatment plant for the city of Chepén, of approximately 180 liters/second.
Thus, these three modern treatment plants will contribute to improving the health and quality of life of more than one million inhabitants of Trujillo and Chepén. Currently, according to the technical visits made by PROINVERSIÓN's team, there is evidence of deficiencies in the operation of the plants, since the wastewater is not adequately treated, generating bad odors and environmental contamination, which affects health and the environment.
Source: Press Release – PROINVERSIÓN