Lima, December 4, 2023.- The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) forecasts that 2024 will be another year of rebound in the awarding of electricity transmission projects under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality. This follows the successful concession of 10 electricity projects, for an estimated investment amount of US$ 1,369 million in 2023.
For next year, PROINVERSIÓN plans to award 18 electricity transmission projects (grouped into four groups) for US$ 900 million, corresponding to the 2023 - 2032 Transmission Plan commissioned by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.
The awards, in 2024, will begin in the First Semester with eight (8) electricity transmission projects, grouped into two groups (Group 1 and 2), which together will require an estimated investment of US$ 700 million.
Precisely, to attract investors to the bidding processes of these eight (8) projects, today PROINVERSIÓN presented the technical and legal aspects of these projects to representatives of electricity project developers, consultants and banks.
Group 1, called in September 2023, is comprised of three (3) projects that will require an estimated investment of US$ 337 million. These are the following initiatives:
- Poroma “Hub” Nueva Substation (First Stage) and 500 kV “Hub” Poroma - Colectora Link, extensions and associated substations.
- San José “Hub” Nueva Substation – First Stage and 220 kV “Hub” San José Link – Repartición (Arequipa), extensions and associated substations (ITC Project).
- Marcona II Nueva Substation and 138 kV Marcona II - San Isidro (Bella Unión) - Pampa (Chala) Link, extensions and associated substations (ITC Project)
The execution of these three (3) projects will benefit more than 1 million people in the regions of Ica and Arequipa because it will strengthen and improve the reliability of the electricity transmission systems in the southern part of the country, which will facilitate the transport of electricity generated by renewable energy resources for the benefit of the economies of each region.
Group 2, called in August 2023, is comprised of five (5) projects, which will require an estimated investment of US$ 374 million. These are the following projects:
- 500 kV Chilca CTM-Carabayllo Transmission Line - Third Circuit (Component 1.1 of the Binding Project 500 kV Link Chilca, CTM-Carabayllo, Transformation Extension and Air Core Reactor Chilca CTM Substation).
- 500/220 kV Bicentenario Nueva Substation, expansions and associated substations
- 220 kV Chavarría - Santa Rosa - Carapongo Link Reconfiguration, lines, extensions and associated substations (ITC Project)
- 220 kV Muyurina Nueva Substation, Ayacucho Nueva Substation, 220 kV Muyurina-Ayacucho TL, extensions and associated substations
- Supply Capacity Extension of the Ica Electric System (ITC Project)
These five (5) projects will benefit approximately 4 million people in the regions of Lima, Ica and Ayacucho. Its implementation will significantly contribute to improve the safety and reliability of 500 kV transmission in Lima, optimize the connection between 220 kV and 500 kV systems (to boost regional economies, boosting industrial, commercial and service activities), and provide a better quality of service to households.
The presentation of the two groups of electricity transmission projects was attended by the General Director of Electricity of MINEM, Elvis Tello Ortiz, and the Executive Director of PROINVERSIÓN, José Salardi.
"Our commitment is to carry out these projects in coordination with the MINEM and the MEF, to contribute to the closing of gaps and economic growth, because electricity is the fundamental support for any economic activity," said PROINVERSÓN's executive director, José Salardi.
The electricity transmission projects will be awarded under the Comprehensive Project Tender modality to the bidder that offers the lowest Total Service Cost for each group, as established in the Bidding Terms so that the concessionaire will be in charge of designing, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining the mentioned groups of projects.
Source: Press Release - PROINVERSIÓN