Lima, October 2, 2023.- On October 27, 2023, the Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) plans to award two (2) large electricity transmission projects, whose referential investment amounts exceed US$ 800 million, for the benefit of seven (7) departments of the country: Huánuco, San Martin, Amazonas, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Lambayeque and Piura.
These are the following two (2) projects that together will incorporate approximately 1,044 kilometers of high voltage lines (500 kV):
- 500 kV Huánuco-Tocache-Celendín-Trujillo link, expansions and associated substations (US$ 561 million).
- 500 kV Celendín-Piura link, expansions and associated substations (US$ 272 million).
The public tender has six (6) companies and/or consortiums that qualified as bidders: Celeo Redes, S.L.U.; Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios S.A.; Alupar Perú S.A.C.; Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. and Consorcio AO (formed by the companies Acciona Concesiones de Infraestructuras S.L. and Omega Perú Operación y mantenimiento S.A.) and Conelsur S.A.C.
The award of the successful bid will be made to the bidder offering the lowest sum of the Total Service Cost of the Projects. The value of the Total Service Cost will be constituted by the annuity of the Investment to be made plus the annual Operation and Maintenance Cost of each project.
The implementation of these two projects will provide security of energy supply and increase transmission capacity to meet the growing demand for electricity, as well as improve the operating conditions of the transmission system in the beneficiary departments, which will be the fundamental support for the development of commercial, industrial and service activities.
The two (2) projects will be executed through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality with a concession term of 30 years of commercial operation, plus the time for the development of the infrastructure of each one of them: 66 months.
The 500 kV Huánuco-Tocache-Celendín-Trujillo Link, expansions and associated substations will provide an alternate electric power transmission axis between the central and northern areas of the country, starting at the 500 kV Huánuco substation and linking the new 500 kV Tocache and Celendín substations, to finally connect with the 500 kV Trujillo substation. In the event of a contingency, the 500 kV Trujillo incoming substation will supply power to the substations connected at 500 kV: La Niña, Piura and Chimbote. It will take place in the departments of Huánuco, San Martín, Cajamarca and La Libertad.
The 500 kV Celendín-Piura Link, expansions and associated substations will allow the establishing of an alternate electric power transmission axis between the central and extreme northern areas of the country, starting at the 500 kV Celendín substation and linking this new substation with the 500 kV Piura Nueva substation. In the event of a contingency, the 500 kV Piura Nueva incoming substation will supply power to the substations connected at 500 kV: La Niña and Trujillo. It will also improve reliability and increase transfers in the 500 kV Peru-Ecuador interconnection. This project will be developed in the departments of Cajamarca, Amazonas, Lambayeque and Piura.
With these two upcoming awards, PROINVERSIÓN will successfully complete 2023, the awarding of the eight (8) electricity transmission projects commissioned by the Ministry of Energy and Mines corresponding to the 2021 - 2030 Transmission Plan.
Source: Press Release - PROINVERSIÓN