
5.Formalization of Corporate Books

1 - Opening and Legislation of the Corporate Books and Accounting Books
  • Copy of RUC Form.
  • Book to be legalized.
  • Payment of Processing Fees.


2 - Authorization of the Payroll Book before the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotiono

Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion

  • Request for authorization by Payroll Book or Loose-leaf book, duly numbered.
  • Copy of RUC.
  • Name or Corporate Name of the Employer.
  • Name of the Legal Representative and ID number.
  • Address of the work center(s).
  • Payment for processing fee

3 - Obtaining a Municipal Operating License (at the corresponding Municipality)

Operating License for commercial, industrial, service and professional services establishments. (Law No. 27972).

1. Application

2. Certificate of Zoning and Compatibility of Use.


a. Application - Form.
b. Sketch.
c. Payment for Processing Fee.

3. Favorable information from Civil Defense: 

Technical Safety Inspection includes Safety Certificate (FAVORABLE REPORT) for commercial, industrial premises and other businesses.

a. Application addressed to the Mayor.

        b. Certificate of Conformity of Establishment granted by the Division of Cadastral and Municipal Authorizations (Cadastral Certificate, Legal Basis, Law 27972).


1 Application addressed to the Mayor.
2 Copy of the title of ownership or copy of the title deed.
3 Location and perimetric plan signed by the responsible professional.
4 Payment for Processing Fee.

c. Payment for Processing Fee

4. Copy of the Tax ID Number (RUC).
5. Copy of the Identification Card of the interested party or of the Legal Representative, if applicable.
6. Title deed or rental agreement of the place where the commercial activity shall be carried out.
7. Simple copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the legal person, if applicable.
8. Copy of the authorization and/or certification of the corresponding sector, if applicable.
9. Payment for Processing Fee.