Migratory Regime

The processes related to migrations to be followed by a foreigner interested in staying in the country to carry out activities other than tourism, have to be done in the National Superintendence of Migrations - MIGRATIONS. The most requested types of visas and migratory quality for the establishment effects of investments in Peru are described as follows:



Enter Peru with no intention of reside in order to do business, legal or similar activities (e.g. Incorporation of a company). TEMPORARY*

Business visa application, which shall be obtained in the consulate of Peru in the city where the foreigner is located.

Enter Peru with no intention of reside and sent by his employer for a limited period and defined to carry out labor activities. TEMPORARY*

Visa application as a Designated Worker: http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_temporales.html. A person in Peru is required to begin the process.

Enter the country with the purpose of carrying out work activities in virtue of a contract previously approved by the Ministry of Work TEMPORARY* OR RESIDENT** Visa application as a Worker: http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_temporales.htmland http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_residentes.html.  A person in Peru is required to begin the process.



Change of migratory quality in order to carry out any of the activities described above   Change of migratory quality to Designated Worker, Resident Worker or Independent Investor, as applicable:  http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_cambio_calidad_migratoria.html
Subscribe contracts or similar documents (e.g. Work contracts or documents for the establishment of a company)   Special Permit Application to sign Contracts:  http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_permiso_firmar_contratos.html
Extend the migratory quality of the foreigner to his relatives (children, partner, parents, and dependent people).   Visa application or Change of Migratory Quality, depending on if they are abroad or in Peru.  http://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_cambio_calidad_migratoria.htmlhttp://www.digemin.gob.pe/servicios_inmigracion_visas_residentes.html    

 *The temporary visa authorizes the admission and permanence of a foreigner in the territory of the country for up to one hundred and eighty-three (183) cumulative days during a period of three hundred and sixty-five (365) days, extendable for the same term. 
** The resident visa authorizes the admission and residence of a foreigner in the territory of the country for a period of three hundred and sixty five (365) days, extendable for the same period.