
Trade Integration

Peru maintains active commercial integration policies with the world; its long-term strategy is oriented to consolidate markets for Peruvian products, in order to develop a competitive commercial supply that, in turn, can generate more and better jobs. In this regard, through different integration systems Peru has gained access to important enlarged markets, an access that is now available to investors established in the South American country.

Most commercial agreements entered into by Peru include, in addition to sections covering the access to new markets, other trade regulatory matters, including investment regulations that are oriented to guarantee a stable and predictable environment for foreign investments.

It is important to note that Peru is a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a full member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), the latter formed by 21 economies. In the Latin American region, Peru is a member of the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) and, within the framework of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), Peru entered an Economic Complementation Agreement with MERCOSUR.


In force

  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • Andean Community- CAN
  • South Korea 
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • European Free Trade Association - EFTA
  • Unites States
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Honduras
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • Panama
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • European Union 
  • Venezuela
  • Pacific Alliance

in force

 To be in force

  • Brazil 
  • Trans -Pacfic Partnership (TPP)
  • Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership  (CPTPP)
  • Guatemala
  • Australia

to be in force

Under negotiation

  • Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)
  • DOHA programme for the development
  • India
  • El Salvador
  • Turkey


For further information please visit:

 under negotiation


International Investment Agreements in force 

Regarding international investment agreements, Peru has executed bilateral investment promotion and protection agreements (BIPA), as well as commercial agreements of a larger scale (such as free trade agreements) that include a chapter covering foreign investments. A list of the international investment agreements executed by Peru that are currently in force can be found below: 

GERMANY/1 05.01.1997  LIECHTENSTEIN/8 07.01.2011
ARGENTINA 10.24.1996 MALAYSIA 12.25.1995 
AUSTRALIA 02.02.1997 MEXICO /9 02.01.2012
REPUBLIC OF KOREA/ 12 08.01.2011 NORWAY/10 07.01.2012
CANADA/2 08.01.2009 NETHERLANDS /1 02.01.1996
CHILE /3 03.01.2009 PANAMA /11 05.01.2012
COLOMBIA /4 12.30.2010 PARAGUAY 12.18.1994
COSTA RICA/16 06.01.2013 PORTUGAL /1 10.18.1995
CUBA 11.25.2001 UNITED KINGDOM /1 04.21.1994
DENMARK/1 02.17.1995 CZECH REPUBLIC /1 03.06.1995
EL SALVADOR 12.15.1996 REPUBLIC OF CHINA /13 03.01.2010
SPAIN/1 02.17.1996 ROMANIA /1 01.01.1995
UNITED STATES /5 02.01.2009 SINGAPORE /14 08.01.2009
FINLAND/1 06.14.1996 SWEDEN /1 08.01.1994
FRANCE/1 05.30.1996 SUITZERLAND/15 07.01.2011
ICELAND /6 10.01.2011 THAILAND 11.15.1993
JAPAN /7 12.10.2009  VENEZUELA 09.18.1997
HONDURAS/17 01.01.2017    

 /1 It is important to note that, on March 1, 2013, the Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Peru entered into force. The agreement includes a section (Title V) dealing with "Services Trade, Establishment and Electronic Trade," that governs investment-related matters (Title IV).
/2 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Canada. Canada and Peru signed a BIPA on November 14, 2006 (Agreement).
/3 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Chile. Chile and Peru signed a BIPA on February 02, 2000 (Agreement).

/4 It it important to mention that Colombia and Peru previously signed a BIPA on April 26, 1994 (Agreement).
/5 Investment Chapter included in the Trade Promotion Agreement between Peru and the United States of America.
/6 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the AELC countries (Sweden, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland)..
/7 This agreement has been incorporated and is now part of the Economic Association Agreement between Peru and Japan, in accordance with the terms provided in the latter agreement. The Economic Association Agreement is in force since March 1, 2012.
/8 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the AELC countries (Sweden, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland)..
/9 Investment Chapter included in the Trade Integration Agreement between Peru and Mexico.
/10 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the AELC countries (Sweden, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland).. Norway and Peru signed a BIPA that has been in force since May 05, 1995 (Agreement).
/11 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Panama.
/12 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and South Korea. South Korea and Peru signed a BIPA on June 03, 1993 (Agreement).
/13 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and China. China and Perú signed a BIPA on June 9, 1994 (Agreement).
/14 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Singapore. Singapore and Peru signed a BIPA on February 27, 2003 (Agreement).
/15 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the AELC countries (Sweden, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland).. Sweden and Peru signed a BIPA that has been in force since November 23, 1993 (Agreement).
/16 Investment Chapter included in the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Costa Rica

/17 Investment Chapter included in the Agreement between Peru and Honduras