

Lima - January 6, 2023.- PROINVERSIÓN reports the reactivation of the bidding process of Puerto Maldonado WWTP project, for US$ 88 million, which will benefit more than 100,000 inhabitants of Puerto Maldonado (Madre de Dios).

To this effect, it modified the final version of the concession contract and the Bidding Terms, opening the possibility for new bidders to participate, in addition to the four pre-qualified bidders. According to the Bidding Terms, interested bidders may comment and submit their suggestions until January 30, for which they must first register as participants.

Interested new investors may submit their documents to pre-qualify as bidders until February 10, 2023.


The Puerto Maldonado WWTP project, to be executed through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mechanism, is a priority for PROINVERSIÓN and the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation. This includes the installation of household connections and secondary networks in areas of the city that do not have sanitary sewerage service; it includes the construction of primary sewerage networks (mains), pumping chambers (with their respective impulsion lines) and the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

The Executive Director of PROINVERSIÓN, José A. Salardi, mentioned that the PPP will ensure the sustainability of the service during the concession contract period, allowing adequate operation and maintenance of the primary collection and wastewater treatment system, with high quality standards, avoiding contamination of the Tambopata and Madre de Dios rivers, and thus improving the health, environment and quality of life of the beneficiary families.

The estimated investment in works amounts to US$ 88 million (including VAT), and the concession term is 22 years. The Peruvian government, through the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS by its Spanish acronym), will cover 100% of the investment payments, while the operation and maintenance component will be covered by the tariff paid by the users to EMAPAT. The project is scheduled to be awarded in May 2023.

The Puerto Maldonado WWTP project will be complemented by the other projects of the Ministry of Housing (Storm Drainage project and the Large Cities water and sanitation program), which will be executed through public works to cover 95% of drinking water and sewerage services, 100% of wastewater treatment and 100% of rainwater drainage in Puerto Maldonado.

For more information, visit: Puerto Maldonado WWTP.

Source: Press Release - PROINVERSIÓN