

       Total Records: 59  

06 mayo 24

The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) is about to conclude the technical study (formulation) of the Chimbote International Terminal project, which requires an estimated investment of US$ 215 million.

22 abril 24

Through Works for Taxes, there are 97 projects under promotion identified jointly with 10 Regional Governments for S/ 6,742 million. Of this portfolio, 15 investments for S/ 361 million are expected to be awarded just in 2024.

16 abril 24

More than 900 delegates from 70 countries will receive information about Public-Private Partnership projects in Peru at the Global Water Summit 2024.

12 abril 24

The bidders prequalified to submit economic offers in the tender for the Integral Projects of 3 electricity projects are Celeo Redes, S.L.U.; Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios S.A.; Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.; Alupar Perú S.A.C.; and the Consorcio OA (Concesiones Perú Holdings Transmisión I S.A.C. and Omega Perú Operación y Mantenimiento S.A.).

12 abril 24

The prequalified bidders for the railway project known as 'Tren Macho' are Consorcio Ferrocarril HH (Sociedad Anónima de Obras y Servicios, COPASA Sucursal del Perú and Ferrocarril Wanka S.A.C), Consorcio Concesionaria Ferroviaria del Centro (Construcción y Administración S.A. and Hidalgo e Hidalgo S.A) and the company Mota-Engil Perú S.A, as they have the technical experience in construction and operation of railway projects and financial solvency required in the bidding terms.