Trade Agreements
Peru maintains an active policy of trade integration with the world since, as part of its long-term trade strategy, it seeks to consolidate markets for Peruvian products in order to develop a competitive export supply that, in turn, generates more and better jobs. In this sense, through various integration schemes, access to important expanded markets has been achieved, to which investors who establish themselves in the country will be able to gain access.
Most of the trade agreements executed by Peru include, in addition to access to new markets, other regulatory aspects related to trade, including investment, the purpose of which is to guarantee a stable and predictable investment climate.
It is important to note that Peru is a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a full member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the latter comprising 21 economies. At the Latin American level, Peru is a member of the Andean Community of Nations (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) and, within the framework of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), Peru has executed an Economic Complementation Agreement with MERCOSUR. Below there is a map of the agreements executed with Peru. For more information, please visit the official website.
Trade Agreements in force (Bilateral, Multilateral and Forums)
Por entrar en vigencia (Bilateral, Multilateral and Forums)
Under negotiation (Bilateral, Multilateral and Forums)
Source: Trade agreements
International Investment Agreements
Peru has executed agreements for the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments (APPRI), as well as broader trade agreements (such as free trade agreements) that include an investment chapter. Below you will find the international investment agreements in force executed by Peru.
Country | Date | Country | Date |
Germany | 01.05.1997 | Liechtenstein 2 | 01.07.2011 |
Argentina | 24.10.1996 | Malasia | 25.12.1995 |
Australia | 02.02.1997 | México | 01.02.2012 |
República de Corea |
Convenio 01.08.2011 APPRI 03.06.1993 |
Noruega 2 |
Convenio 01.07.2012 APPRI 05.05.1995 |
Canadá |
Convenio 01.08.2009 APPRI 14.11.2006 |
Países Bajos | 01.02.1996 |
Chile |
Convenio 01.03.2009 APPRI 02.02.2000 |
Panamá | 01.05.2012 |
Colombia |
Convenio 30.12.2010 APPRI 26.04.1996 |
Paraguay | 18.12.1994 |
Costa Rica | 01.06.2013 | Portugal | 18.10.1995 |
Cuba | 25.11.2001 | Reino Unido | 21.04.1994 |
Dinamarca | 17.02.1995 | República Checa | 06.03.1995 |
El Salvador | 15.12.1996 | República Popular China |
Convenio 01.03.2010 APPRI 09.06.1994 |
España | 17.02.1996 | Rumania | 01.01.1995 |
United States | 01.02.2009 | Singapur |
Convenio 01.08.2009 APPRI 27.02.2003 |
Finlandia | 14.06.1996 | Suecia | 01.08.1994 |
Francia | 30.05.1996 | Suiza 2 |
Convenio 01.07.2011 APPRI 23.11.1993 |
Islandia 2 |
01.10.2011 | Tailandia | 15.11.1993 |
Italia | 18.10.1995 | Unión Económica Bélgica - Luxemburgo | 11.09.2008 |
Japón 1 |
10.12.2009 |
Venezuela |
Honduras | 01.01.2017 | Acuerdo con la Unión Europea 3 | 01.03.2013 |
- Forma parte del Acuerdo de Asociación Económica entre Perú y Japón vigente desde 01.03.2012.
- Forma parte del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio suscrito entre Perú y los Estados AELC (Suiza, Noruega, Liechtenstein e Islandia).
- Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden and Luxembourg.